Vermicompost and Compost The best 12 difference

Nov 20, 2023

Vermicompost and Compost A Brief Introduction

Vermicompost is a composting process that uses earthworms, mostly red wigglers to reduce organic matter and produce a fine-textured final product known as worm castings. The nutrient-rich compost is renowned for its capacity to boost the health of the soil and increase the growth of plants.

Figure 01: Vermicompost

Compost is the result of organic matter degradation which is primarily caused by the activity of microbial organisms. The process converts kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic substances into a dark, crumbly, and nutrient-rich substance that improves soil quality and provides a healthy environment for plants.

While both are viable ways to reuse organic waste and increase the fertility of the soil, their methods and products are distinct and cater to different requirements in agriculture and gardening.

Basics of Each Process

Let's explore the fundamentals of both composting and vermicomposting processes:

  1. Composting:
  2. Defined: Composting is the aerobic breakdown of organic matter through microorganisms resulting in a dark soft, humus-like material referred to as compost.
  3. Ingredients:
  • Organic Green Materials: The components that contain nitrogen are grass cuttings, scraps of vegetables as well and coffee grounds.
  • brown materials: carbon-rich materials like straw, dried leaves, paper, and hay.
  1. Process:
  2. Collection: Collect brown and green materials.
  3. building: Layer or mix the substances into a compost container, or pile.
  4. Aeration: Turn the compost regularly to release air which assists in aerobic decomposition.
  5. Moistness: Keep a humidity that is similar to a wrung-out sponge.
  6. Mature: Over time (months to a full year or more) the material breaks down as the compost heap shrinks in size.
  7. Finalization: Once the compost has become dark, crumbly, and has an earthy scent It's now ready to use.
  8. Vermicomposting:
  9. Defined: Vermicomposting is the process in which worms particularly red wigglers, degrade organic matter creating a rich final product referred to as worm castings, or vermicompost.
  10. Ingredients:
  • Worm food: Food scraps from the kitchen like peelings of vegetable and fruit eggs, eggshells tea bags, and grounds from coffee.
  • Bedding: Material such as Coir, paper, or compost that has been aged where the worms can live and reproduce.
  1. Process:
  1. Setting up: Create bedding in a worm bin, or in a container.
  2. Introduce Worms: Introduce the composting of worms (e.g. the red wigglers).
  3. Food: Bury food scraps under the bedding, making sure that you do not overfeed.
  4. Maintenance: Maintain the bin dry but not soggy. Also, keep worms safe from extreme temperatures.
  5. Harvesting: After a while, you will see the compost bin filled with vermicompost that is dark and

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    Then, you can harvest it, leaving a bit of material and worms to carry on the process.

  6. Finalization: The harvested vermicompost is now ready to use.
Figure 02: Compost

Although both methods aim to reuse organic waste, however, they differ in their processes and needs. Composting is mostly a microbial process, whereas vermicomposting depends on worms. Both create valuable organic material which can improve soil quality and increase plant growth.

Vermicompost and Compost in the comparison chart

Comparison Chart: Vermicompost vs. Compost

Criteria Vermicompost Compost
Definition Decomposition of organic waste by earthworms. Decomposition of organic waste by microbial activity.
Primary Agents Earthworms Bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms.
Materials Used Mostly kitchen scraps, fruits, vegetables, and paper. Yard waste, kitchen scraps, leaves, wood chips, etc.
Time to Mature Faster (weeks to a couple of months). Slower (months to over a year).
Temperature Moderate (worms require specific temperature ranges). Can reach high temperatures due to microbial activity.
End Product Texture Fine and smooth, worm castings. Coarser, crumbly, soil-like texture.
Nutrient Content Higher in certain nutrients; worm castings are a potent fertilizer. Balanced nutrients; depend on input materials.
Maintenance Regular check on moisture, worm health, and food supply. Requires turning for aeration, and moisture checks.
Odor Minimal to no odor when maintained properly. Can produce odors if not maintained or aerated well.
Volume Suitability Better for smaller volumes, e.g., kitchen waste. Suitable for larger volumes and varied waste.
Space Requirements Typically requires bins or containers. Open piles, bins, or tumbler systems.
Potential Issues Worm die-off, overpopulation, mites, or fruit flies. Anaerobic conditions, pests, slow decomposition.

This chart provides a snapshot comparison between vermicomposting and traditional composting. Both methods have their own unique benefits and are suitable for different contexts and requirements.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Vermicompost and Compost

Let's take a look at the advantages and drawbacks of composting methods:



  1. rich nutrient content: Vermicompost is a more nutritious variety of nutrients, which includes micronutrients, compared to conventional compost.
  2. Quick Decomposition: In the proper conditions, worms are able to create vermicompost much faster than traditional composting methods.
  3. No odor: When managed correctly vermicomposting systems are basically scentless.
  4. Indoor Possibility: Vermicomposting is possible inside, which makes it ideal for people who don't have outdoor space.
  5. Lower Physical Work: There's no need to rotate a worm bin the way you would turn a compost pile.
  6. Disease Suppression: Vermicompost has been proven to be a disease suppressor that could benefit plants.


  1. sensitive process: The process can be disrupted if the bin is too moist hot, dry, or cold.
  2. Diet Restrictions: They are really sensitive to certain materials, including citrus, spicy food, and high amounts of dairy or meat.
  3. Space limitation: Vermicomposting systems might not manage large quantities of waste as effectively as bigger composting systems.
  4. The initial setup cost: Beginning vermicomposting could require an initial investment of worms as well as bins.



  1. Volume Handling: Systems for composting can manage larger amounts of organic waste. This includes yard debris and woody waste.
  2. Flexibility: Can handle a greater variety of organic materials which include items that worms are unable to digest.
  3. Heating Production: This process of composting produces heat that can kill weed seeds and pathogens.
  4. low maintenance: When properly set up and weighed compost piles need minimal monitoring.
  5. Cost-effective: Minimal setup costs particularly when using basic heaps or bins made from scratch.


  1. requires space: Efficient composting generally requires more space than vermicomposting.
  2. Turn and Aeration: To keep the aerobic state to speed the process of decomposition regular turning may be required.
  3. Odor Beware: If not managed appropriately, composting may cause unpleasant smells.
  4. Duration: Traditional composting usually takes longer than vermicomposting in order to produce completed compost.
  5. Potential Pests: Compost piles that are not enclosed can occasionally attract pests, for example, rodents or flies.

Both composting methods, traditional and vermicomposting have strengths and potential problems. The best option is usually based on the needs of an individual and the space available, the volume of waste, and the desired degree of maintenance.

Final Products and Their Uses

The final products of traditional composting and vermicomposting, although similar in certain ways have their own distinct characteristics and applications.

Here's a brief overview:

Vermicompost (Worm Castings)


  • Dark rough, fine-textured, and very granular. It's basically the end product of worms when they digest and eat organic material.


  1. Soil Amendment: Worm castings may be added to garden soil to enhance its structure, water retention, and fertility.
  2. The top dresser: Sprinkling a thin layer of vermicompost onto the gardens or potted plants is the nutrients slowly released.
  3. Tea Production: Vermicompost may be added to water to make "worm tea," a liquid fertilizer that can provide rapid nutrient stimulation for plants.
  4. Seed Starter: Due to its smooth texture and nutritional content, the worm castings are able to be mixed with other media to start seeds.
  5. Organic Pesticide: Some studies suggest that vermicompost may aid plants in defending against certain diseases and pests.



  • Dark soft, crumbly, and like humus, it has an earthy scent. It's the result of the aerobic breakdown of organic materials by microorganisms.


  1. Soil Amendment: It is possible to compost or add to garden soils to improve their fertility structure, structure, and retention.
  2. Mulch: It can also be used as a mulching substance which helps retain soil moisture, reduce the growth of weeds, and regulate the temperature of soil.
  3. The Potting Mix component: Compost is usually used as a component in potting mixes. It is an organic and nutritious component for gardening in containers.
  4. Erosion Control: In landscaping compost can be utilized on embankments and slopes to prevent erosion of soil.
  5. Lawn Top Dressing: An even layer of compost may be applied to lawns to improve the quality of soil encourage healthy grass growth and fill in bare areas.

Traditional compost and vermicompost are beneficial products for farming and gardening. They play an important role in enhancing the health of soil and plant growth and encouraging sustainable and organic agriculture practices.

Key Considerations for Choosing Between the Two

In deciding between vermicomposting and traditional composting methods, many important aspects are considered.

Here's a step-by-step guide to guide you in choosing the most appropriate method for your requirements:

  1. Volume of Organic Waste:
  • Vermicomposting: More suitable for fewer amounts, such as kitchen waste.
  • Composing: Perfect for bigger amounts, such as yard debris, garden trimmings, and other organic substances.
  1. Available Space:
  • Vermicomposting: This does not require much space and can be performed indoors, for instance in a basement or garage.
  • Composting: Generally, it requires greater outdoor space, particularly in the case of larger amounts of organic material.
  1. Desired Speed of Decomposition:
  • Vermicomposting: tends to create finished compost more quickly (weeks to several months) in the best conditions.
  • Composting: Sometimes it takes longer (several months to more than an entire year) to create mature compost, based on the process and the conditions.
  1. Maintenance Level and Involvement:
  • Vermicomposting: This requires the monitoring of the health of worms, humidity levels, and temperatures and cautious feeding.
  • Composing: It requires periodic turning to aerate, monitoring humidity, and maintaining that there is a balance in the nitrogen-to-carbon ratio.
  1. Temperature and Seasonal Constraints:
  • Vermicomposting: Worms are tolerant of extreme temperatures. An environment that is controlled, particularly in very cold or hot seasons, is crucial.
  • composting: The process can take place all year round outdoors, the process slowing during colder months. The process may generate heat, which helps to continue the breakdown in the colder months.
  1. Desired End Product:
  • Vermicomposting: Produces worm castings that are extremely nutrient-dense and ideal for direct plant applications.
  • Composting: Creates a humus-rich, compost that is suitable for a broad variety of applications including soil amendment and mulching.
  1. Sensitivity to Odors and Pests:
  • Vermicomposting: If properly managed it's almost odorless, and has a low threat of attracting pests.
  • Composting: It can produce smells if it is not properly maintained or aerated. Also, it may attract pests such as rodents and flies when they are placed in open piles.
  1. Initial Setup Costs and Resources:
  • Vermicomposting: This requires investment into bins, worms, and bedding.
  • Composing: It can be as straightforward as making a pile in the yard or using bins constructed or tumblers.
  1. Types of Waste:
  • Vermicomposting: Only organic substances that worms consume. Avoid spicy food, citrus, and dairy products. Also, avoid meat.
  • composting: It can handle a wider range of organic matter, even those that are not appropriate for the worm.

Conclusion: The choice of composting and vermicomposting usually comes down to personal conditions, needs, and personal preferences. Both techniques offer advantages for recycling organic waste as well as enriching soils. Examine your situation using the factors above to make a well-informed decision.

Benefits of Vermicompost and Compost

Vermicompost and compost both bring many benefits to soil, plants, and the natural environment.

Here's an overview of the benefits of each:


  1. Nutrient-rich: Vermicompost is awash with vital nutrients for the growth of plants including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
  2. Improves the soil's structure: The fine texture of worm castings improves the soil's structure and makes it more porous. This helps in root growth and penetration.
  3. Improves the retention of moisture: Vermicompost can help the soil hold moisture, thus reducing the requirement for frequent irrigation.
  4. Disease Suppression: A few research suggest that vermicompost could improve the plant's resistance to pests and diseases due to the beneficial microbes found in it.
  5. Accelerated Nutrient Accessibility: The nutrients in vermicompost tend to be more quickly accessible to plants than regular compost.
  6. Enhances Seed Germination: The minerals in vermicompost and the texture could aid in faster and healthier germination.
  7. eco-friendly: Vermicomposting provides an environmentally sustainable method of recycling organic waste, decreasing the use of chemical fertilizers, and reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.


  1. Improves soil fertility: Compost replenishes the soil with vital organic matter as well as the micro and macronutrients.
  2. Helps with Soil Aeration: Adding compost to soil can help improve aeration, essential for root growth and the activity of microbial organisms.
  3. Improves Soil Water Retention: Compost helps the soil hold on to water, which is helpful in areas that are prone to drought.
  4. Helps to Encourage Beneficial Microorganisms: Compost is a good way to introduce healthy bacteria as well as fungi into the soil, helping in the process of nutrient cycling as well as organic matter degradation.
  5. Buffers pH of Soil: Compost can buffer soil pH, thereby making it a better environment for the growth of plants.
  6. Reduces Erosion: Applying compost on the surface may decrease soil erosion by enhancing soil structure, and also reducing runoff.
  7. is a powerful antidote to diseases: Similar to vermicompost, conventional compost also plays an important role in the suppression of disease in plants.
  8. Absorbs soil contaminants: Certain composting processes aid in the binding or degradation of toxic contaminants in soil.
  9. reduces greenhouse gases: The process of composting organic material lowers the amount of methane an extremely potent greenhouse gas which would otherwise be created when the waste is sent to the landfill.
  10. Save Resources: Utilizing compost can reduce the use of fertilizers, water, and pesticides. It also promotes sustainable farming practices.

Vermicompost as well as compost provide numerous benefits, which makes them vital tools for sustainable farming and gardening practices. The use of these organic soil enrichers can dramatically improve plant health, lessen the dependence on synthetic fertilizers as well and promote an eco-friendly approach to managing waste.


Vermicompost and compost both are essential to sustainable gardening and agriculture providing a myriad of benefits, from enriching the soil to helping improve the health of plants. Utilizing nature's power whether it's via worms in vermicomposting, or the microbial activity in composting - we can reuse organic waste, lessen our carbon footprint, and create healthier ecosystems that are more resilient.

The decision to choose between them depends on the individual's preferences and needs however, regardless of your choice, integrating both practices can contribute positively to the sustainability of the earth as well as the long-term future of agriculture.