Induction Cooker and Normal Cooker the best 11 difference

Nov 20, 2023
Induction Cooker and Normal CookerInduction Cooker and Normal Cooker

Induction Cooker and Normal Cooker kitchen appliances that are used to cook diverse meals.  Although both have the same objective, they operate according to different principles and provide different advantages and drawbacks. In this article, we will look at the major distinctions between these two cooking methods to help you make an informed decision on which one best suits your preferences and cooking requirements.

Brief overview of cooking methods

Methods of cooking encompass a vast variety of methods and techniques employed to cook food. They can greatly impact the texture, taste as well and nutritional quality of the food we prepare.

Here’s a brief outline of commonly used cooking techniques:

  1. Grilling: It involves cooking the food on the flame of an open fire or over hot charcoal. It gives a smokey taste and leaves distinctive grill marks on food.
  2. roasting: It uses the dry method from your oven in order to prepare food items, generally meats and vegetables. It produces a crisp exterior with a tender inside.
  3. Boiling: The food is immersed in water boiling or other liquid until cooked. It is commonly used to cook rice, pasta, and vegetables.
  4. Steaming: is cooking by subjecting foods to steam. It retains nutrients and enhances flavor, and is often used to cook seafood, vegetables dumplings, and seafood.
  5. Baking: Akin to roasting but is typically used to bake cakes, bread, and other pastries, in which the food is evenly heated.
  6. Frying: It involves cooking foods in hot oil whether deep-frying (fully submerged) or shallow-frying (partially submerged). It produces a crispy exterior.
  7. Sauteing: Rapid cooking using small amounts of butter or oil on high heat, usually used to cook meat and vegetables.
  8. Braising: Mixes dry heat and moist cooking. The food is cooked first by searing followed by slow cooking in liquids to make delicious, tender dishes.
  9. simmering: The process of cooking food with the liquid, at temperatures that are just below boiling is perfect for stews, soups, and sauces.
  10. Microwaving: Make use of microwaves to rapidly heat food. It is ideal for cooking and fast cooking.
  11. Barbecueing: It is similar to grilling but it involves slow-cooking food using indirect heat, typically making use of charcoal or wood chips to add flavor.
  12. Smoking: Cooking food using the smoke of burning chunks of wood that impart a distinct smokey taste.
  13. Slow cooking: Cooking food over prolonged periods at low temperatures using a slow cooker or the crockpot results in tasty and tender meals.

Each cooking method comes with its own advantages and is suitable for various kinds of dishes as well as ingredients and preferences. The method you choose to cook with can significantly affect the final flavor as well as the texture and taste of food.

Induction Cooker and Normal Cooker in the comparison chart

Here’s a comparison chart outlining the key differences between an Induction Cooker and a Normal Cooker:

Aspect Induction Cooker Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric)
Heating Method Uses electromagnetic fields to heat cookware directly. Heats through gas flames or electric coils.
Energy Efficiency Highly energy-efficient; heats quickly and precisely. Less energy-efficient due to heat loss and slower heating times.
Cooking Speed Rapid heating and precise temperature control, reducing cooking times. Slower heating and may require preheating.
Temperature Control Precise temperature control with immediate adjustments. Temperature control varies and may require monitoring.
Heat Distribution Even heat distribution across the entire cooking surface. Uneven heat distribution, hotspots, and cooler areas.
Safety Features Typically features safety functions like auto shut-off and cool-to-touch surfaces. Fewer built-in safety features; requires caution with open flames.
Cookware Compatibility Requires magnetic cookware; not all materials work. Compatible with a wide range of cookware materials.
Maintenance and Cleaning Easy to clean with a flat, smooth surface; minimal spills. May have more crevices and spills, can be harder to clean.
Cost The initial cost is higher but may save on energy bills over time. Generally lower initial cost but may have higher operating costs.
Cooking Experience Precise and efficient cooking experience; ideal for professional chefs. Traditional cooking experience; familiarity for most users.
Versatility Versatile for various cooking techniques and temperatures. Versatile but may require more skill for precise cooking.

It’s important to note that the choice between an induction cooker and a normal cooker depends on individual preferences, cooking habits, and budget considerations. Each type has its advantages and drawbacks, so making the right choice depends on your specific needs and priorities in the kitchen.

How They Work

This is a thorough description of the way induction cookers as well as conventional cookers (gas or electric) operate:

Induction Cooker:

Induction cookers work according to the principle of electromagnetism. Here’s how they operate:

  1. Magnet Field Generator: An induction cooker has a copper coil under its glass-ceramic surfaces. When electricity flows through the coil, it creates an alternating magnetic field with high frequency.
  2. Magnetic Field Interaction: When you place the magnetic cookware that is compatible (typically constructed of stainless steel or iron) on the cooktop’s surface the magnetic field is able to interact in a way with cookware.
  3. Eddy Currents: A magnetic field that is alternating causes electrical currents, also known as eddy currents in the bottom of the cooking pan. They generate heat from the resistance of the metallic.
  4. Heat Transfer: the heat produced by the eddy currents is later transferred directly to the cookware, which warms the food in the cookware. The cookware is the source of heat, while the rest of the cooker stays cool.
  5. Temperature Control: Induction cookers are able to provide accurate temperature regulation, which allows users to alter the heat level quickly and precisely. They can quickly warm up and then cool down which makes them extremely efficient in cooking.
Induction Cooker
Figure 01: Induction Cooker

Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric):

Ordinary cookers regardless of whether they are powered by electricity or gas operate in a different way:

Gas Cooker:

  • For gas cookers switching off the supply of gas creates the controlled flow of propane or natural gas into the cookers.
  • If you light the gas burner with an electronic ignition or flame it creates a continuous open flame.
  • The cookware is heated by the flame directly, and the heat is then transferred to the food items.
  • The size and the intensity of the flame can be controlled by hand to regulate the temperature of cooking.

Electric Cooker:

  • Electric cookers utilize heating elements, which are typically composed of coils of metal or ceramic plates.
  • When you switch off the burner’s electric circuit, electricity is pushed into the heater which impedes current flow and produces heat.
  • The heating element is heated and distributes energy to the cooking equipment set on top.
  • Similar to gas cooktops, electric cooking pots also offer temperature control, adjustments might be slower when compared to induction cookers.

Induction cookers heat cookware by electromagnetic induction through the generation of magnetic fields. Normal cookware (gas as well as electric) generates heat through burning flames or electrical heating elements.

Induction cookers provide exact controls, efficiency in energy, and safety options, whereas conventional cookers offer the traditional cooking experience however they may lack precise temperature control and slow heating. The choice between them is dependent on individual preferences and requirements for cooking.

Energy Efficiency of Induction Cooker and Normal Cooker

The efficiency of energy used by the induction cooktop and a standard cooking appliance (gas and electric) differs considerably. Here’s a comparison of how efficient they are in energy use:

Induction Cooker:

  1. High Efficacy: Induction cookers are recognized for their exceptional energy efficiency. They convert around 85-90 percent of the energy they generate into heat, which is transferred to cookware. This effectiveness is due to the direct heating technique using electromagnetic induction.
  2. Rapid Heating: The induction cookware heats up quickly, which reduces the time to cook. If you alter temperatures, change becomes immediate, preventing wasteful energy.
  3. No loss of heat: Because induction cookers are heated directly by the cookware it is not subject to loss of heat to the environment. The cookware remains cooler to touch thereby decreasing energy consumption.
  4. Efficiency: The precise temperature control and fast response of induction cookers could provide savings in energy consumption over time when compared to traditional cookers. This could result in lower bills for energy.

Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric):

  1. lower efficiency: Standard cookers, electric or gas are generally less efficient as compared to induction cooktops. A large portion of energy is wasted in the air surrounding it.
  2. The Heating and Flame: The gas cooker, for example, releases heat in the shape of a flame, and electric cookers utilize heating elements. Both techniques lead to heat dispersing in the kitchen. This could result in energy waste.
  3. slower heating and cooling: Normal cookers may take longer to warm before cooling down when compared to those with an induction cooking system. The longer cooking time could cause greater energy use.
  4. Control of Temperature: Although electric and gas cookers can control temperature they may not be as precise and responsive as induction cookers. This lack of precision can lead to loss of energy if the intended temperature isn’t consistently maintained.
Normal Cooker
Figure 02: Normal Cooker

Induction cookers are famous for their energy efficiency fast heating speed, as well as accurate temperature regulation. They can convert a substantial part of the energy they consume into heat that is useful, resulting in savings in energy. Cookers that are normal, on the contrary, tend to be less energy efficient because of heat loss to the environment as well as slower cooling and heating time. The decision to choose between them should take into consideration the energy efficiency of the variables, in addition to other considerations such as cooking preferences and costs.

Cooking Speed and Temperature Control of Induction Cooker and Normal Cooker

The cooking speed and temperature control within an Induction cookware, as well as a conventional cooker, may differ.

Here’s a look at these features:

Induction Cooker:

  1. Cooking Speed:
    • Induction cookers are renowned for their speedy heating capabilities. They are able to heat food items and cookware faster in comparison to conventional cookers.
    • The instant response to changes in temperature settings means that you can get liquids boiling quickly and then reduce the heat whenever it is required.
    • This can result in quicker cooking times, which makes induction cookers perfect for kitchens with busy schedules and who are looking to cut down on time.
  1. Temperature Control:
    • Induction cookers are able to provide accurate temperature control. You can set temperature limits and keep them in check with great precision.
    • This ensures uniform cooking results which makes it much easier for cooks to stick with recipes as well as get the desired flavors and textures.
    • The ability to fine-tune temperatures is particularly useful for delicate cooking tasks, such as cooking sauces or melting chocolate.

Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric):

  1. Cooking Speed:
    • Normal cookers, including gas cookers, are able to produce high heat however, they can require a longer time to attain the temperature you want as compared to induction cooktops.
    • Electric cookers, for instance, electric stovetops that have warming coils, or ceramic plates can also be heated up before reaching maximum heating.
  1. Temperature Control:
    • Gas cookers have a vast selection of temperature controls however, adjusting the flame in a precise manner is more difficult when compared to induction cookers.
    • Electric cookers allow temperature control via knob settings or digital controls, however, they aren’t with the same speed or precision as induction cookers.
  1. Congruity: When using normal cooking appliances the ability to maintain consistent temperatures can be more difficult due to fluctuations in gas flow or the heating element’s cycle of between off and on.

Induction cookers are a top choice for speed of cooking and precision temperature control. They cook quickly respond immediately to changes and provide precise temperature adjustments. Standard cookers, though capable of producing high heat, can require a longer time to attain the desired temperature and may be less precise in maintaining constant temperatures. The decision between these two is based on the importance of speed and precision when cooking, along with individual preferences and the types of meals you typically prepare.

Safety Features of Induction Cooker and Normal Cooker

The safety features differ between induction cookers and regular cooktops (gas and electric).

Here’s a comparison of security features on both kinds of cookware:

Induction Cooker:

  1. Cool-to-Touch Surface: Induction cookers offer the advantage of safety because their cooking surface stays cool throughout the cooking. Only the cookware gets hot. This decreases the risk of burning and accidental contact with a hot surface.
  2. Auto Shut-Off: A lot of induction cookware is outfitted with an auto shut-off option which shuts off heating elements once it detects that there is no compatible cookware on the surface. This stops cooking equipment from being dry and overheating.
  3. Child Lock: The majority of induction cooktops include child lock functions that can be turned on to stop children from inadvertently turning on the cooker or altering the settings.
  4. Pan Detection: Certain models come with an option that can detect the dimensions and location of the cookware when placed on the cooking surface. In the event that cookware gets removed, or moved, the induction cooktop will automatically adjust or shut off to prevent any accidents.
  5. Timers and alarms: Induction cookers typically come with built-in timers which can be programmed to shut off the heat following an agreed-upon cooking time. They also may have alarms that sound to remind cooks of cooking times, or when the dish is cooked.

Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric):

  1. Flame Control (Gas): Gas cookers usually include flame control knobs which allow users to control the size of the flame and, consequently, the amount of heat produced. But, they lack security features other than induction cookers.
  2. Electrical Coil safety: Electric cookers with coil elements could include indicator lights that indicate that the flame is hot. But, there are a few security features other than this.
  3. gas Leak Detection (Gas): Some modern gas cookers are equipped with gas leak detectors as well as automatic shut-off functions that are activated when they spot the presence of gas leaks. This is an essential security measure in gas cookers.
  4. Ventilation: A proper ventilation system is vital for gas cookers in order to avoid the accumulation of harmful gas fumes inside the home. Proper ventilation is a security aspect when using gas cooktops.
  5. Security Regulations: Normal cookers (both electric and gas) have to be in compliance with safety regulations and standards to ensure they’re safe to use. The standards differ by region and are intended to avoid accidents.

Induction cookers typically have higher-end safety features, including cool-to-touch surface as well as auto shut-off as well as child locks, and pan detection. The purpose of these features is to decrease the possibility of burns as well as accidents. Standard cookers, whether electric or gas-powered are equipped with fewer safety features, but they are subject to safety rules and guidelines that ensure the safety of their users. It is recommended that users exercise caution and observe safety rules whenever using any kind of cooker.

Cookware Compatibility

The compatibility of cookware is an important factor to consider when deciding between an induction cooker and a normal cooktop (gas and electric).

Here’s the difference between them in the area of compatibility with cookware:

Induction Cooker:

  1. magnetic cookware: For induction cooking, you need cookware that has magnetic properties and includes iron. Cookware made from materials such as casting iron, stainless steel and certain types of stainless steel that are magnetic are suitable for cooking with induction. To determine whether it is induction-compatible check if a magnet adheres towards the base. If it does, it’s likely induction-compatible.
  2. Flat and smooth bottom: The bottom of the cookware must be smooth and flat in order for smooth contact with the surface of the cooker. Cookware with warped or uneven bottoms might not function properly.
  3. size of cookware: Cookware size should be equal to the dimensions of the induction cooking area. Cookware that is significantly bigger in size or less than that of the element heating could result in a lack of efficiency when heating.
  4. Cookware High-Quality: High-quality induction-compatible cookware with a flat, thick base is most effective when used with induction cookers. Cookware that is thin or of poor quality may not cook evenly.

Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric):

  1. Flexibility: Normal cookers (gas or electric) are more flexible in regards to cookingware compatibility. They are able to accommodate a diverse variety of materials, such as copper, aluminum glass, ceramic, and stainless steel that are non-magnetic.
  2. Flatness Not Crucial: The bottom of the cookware doesn’t need to be smooth or flat to be used with electric or gas cookware. The direct source of heat (flame or an electric coil) offers more flexibility in this aspect.
  3. Size Matching: Although it is strongly recommended that you match the dimensions that the cooking equipment to its heating element or burner to cook efficiently, regular cookers are less prone to size differences as compared to induction cookers.
  4. Materials Variety: Standard cookers are able to be used with a wider range of cookware which makes them an easier choice for people with a wide range of collection of cookware.

Cookers with induction technology are much more discerning in terms of cookware compatibility and require flat-bottomed and magnetic cookware. Standard cooking appliances (gas and electric) have more flexibility and be used with a greater variety of cookware types and materials. If you’re considering buying a new cooking appliance, you must consider whether your current cookware is compatible, and if you’re prepared to purchase new cookware if needed.

Maintenance and Cleaning of Induction Cooker and Normal Cooker

Cleaning and maintenance specifications for induction cookers, as well as regular cooking appliances (gas as well as electric), will vary.

Here’s a look at the cleaning and maintenance aspects of both types of cookers.

Induction Cooker:

  1. Maintenance:
    • Examine the glass-ceramic surfaces regularly for damage or cracks and fix any issues quickly to avoid any further harm.
    • Make sure that the cooling fans and vents are free of dirt or other debris to avoid overheating.
  1. Cleaning:
    • Induction cooktops usually come with a smooth, flat surface which makes it easy to wash. Clean up spills and splatters using sponge or a damp cloth as long as the cooktop remains warm.
    • For tough staining or food that has dried on For food stains that are difficult to remove, use a glass cooktop cleaner, or a mix with baking soda, water and.
    • Avoid using abrasive materials or scrubbers which could scratch glass surface.
    • Clean the knobs and control panel using a damp cloth and avoid excessive moisture around your control panel.

Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric):

  1. Maintenance:
    • In the case of gas cookers, make sure you are able to ensure that gas supply lines and connections are not leaking and are in good working order. Regular inspections by a professional might be required.
    • In the case of electric cooktops, regularly examine the condition of the heater elements and coils. Replace them when they exhibit evidence of degeneration or wear.
  1. Cleaning:
    • Gas stoves that have open flames can collect food particles and grease on the burners, grates as well and drip pans. Take these elements off and clean them on a regular basis.
    • Electric coil stoves can require regular cleaning to eliminate any residue or spills that have accumulated.
    • Cooktops made of smooth ceramic must be cleaned once they are cool by using a cleaner for the cooktop or a mix made of water, baking soda, or baking powder 
    • Gas stoves that have sealed burners are simpler to clean than stoves with open flames because they can hold spills better.
  1. Ventilation Maintenance (Gas):
    • Check that the ventilation hood or exhaust fan over the gas stove functions properly and is regularly cleaned to avoid the accumulation of grease.
  1. Control Panel and Knobs (Electric):
    • Clean the knobs and controls of electric cookers using an aqueous cloth, and avoid excessive moisture in the vicinity of the control panel.

Maintenance for both kinds of cookers is a regular check for safety as well as correct working. Induction cookers typically require less maintenance,  they require care to avoid damage to the glass-ceramic surfaces. Cleaning methods differ between induction cookers, with those having an easy-to-clean, smooth surface, and normal cookers might need more work to wash coils, burners or grates. Regular and prompt maintenance and cleaning are vital for the durability and secure functioning of any kitchen appliance.

Cost Comparison

Cost comparison between the induction cooktop and conventional cooktop (gas and electric) is based on the initial cost of purchase and operating costs over the long term.

Here’s an overview of the price comparison:

Initial Purchase Costs:

  1. Induction Cooker:
    • Induction cookers generally come with a greater upfront cost than conventional cookers. Prices can differ depending on the manufacturer and model, as well as specifications.
    • Induction cookers of high-end quality with sophisticated features can be more expensive than standard models.
  1. Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric):
    • Normal cookers, be they electric or gas, typically come with a lower initial cost than induction cookers.
    • Gas cookware is generally cheaper than electric cookware equipped with modern features.

Long-Term Operating Costs:

  1. Induction Cooker:
    • Induction cookers are well known for their efficiency in energy use. They convert a large percentage of energy to heat which could result in lower energy costs in the long run.
    • Fast heating, as well as precise control of temperature, may decrease cooking times, saving time and energy.
    • If your current cookware isn’t compatible with induction cooking, you might have to purchase new, compatible cookware and pans. 
  1. Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric):
    • Gas cookers generally offer lower operating costs as compared to electric cookers since propane or natural gas is usually cheaper than electricity for the same amount of energy.
    • Electric cookers, specifically those that have coil elements might have higher operating expenses due to inefficiencies in energy use.
    • Repair and maintenance costs may vary, but are generally comparable between normal and induction cookers.

Additional Factors to Consider:

  1. How to Cook: The way you cook and the frequency of your meals could affect the long-term operational costs. If you are a frequent cook and use a lot of energy, the savings you can get from an induction cooktop could get more evident over time.
  2. Cookware: Compatible with cooking equipment can impact the total price. If you have to purchase new cookware to use induction cooking, it should be included in the cost evaluation.
  3. Environmental considerations: Some users choose induction cookers to increase the efficiency of their use, which reduces the carbon footprint of their kitchens. This environmental benefit could be aligned with your ideals, but it must also be considered when doing your cost-benefit analysis.

Cost comparisons between induction cooking and standard cookers are to weigh the greater cost of purchase for an induction cooktop against the possibility of future energy savings. Although induction cookware is more costly at first they’re typically more efficient, which may lead to lower operational costs over the course of time. You should also take into consideration your cooking preferences, your current cookware, as well as any other factors that are significant to you like environmental issues.

Cooking Experience and Versatility

Cooking experience as well as the flexibility of a kitchen appliance can be a major factor in selecting between an induction cooker or a standard cooking appliance (gas and electric).

Here’s a discussion of these features:

Induction Cooker:

  1. Cooking Experience:
    • Precision Temperature Control: The induction cookware has precise temperature control, which allows users to set and maintain certain temperature levels with a high degree of accuracy. This is especially useful when it comes to tasks such as melting, simmering, or tempering.
    • Rapid Heating Induction cookers heat up quickly, cutting down the amount of time you wait for and allowing you to cook faster.
    • Even heating: These offer uniform and consistent heating over the entire cooking area, thus reducing the chance of hot spots.
    • Safety Features Security Features: Safety features like cool-to-touch surface, auto shut-off, and child locks improve the overall experience of cooking by reducing the risk of injury.
  1. Versatility:
    • Multiple cooking techniques Induction cookers are versatile and are suitable for many cooking methods, such as sauteing, frying, boiling simmering, boiling, and much more.
    • Temperature Range: They could be heated to the highest temperatures needed for searing or deep-frying, but also the lower temperature range for delicate jobs like melting chocolate.
    • Induction cookers that are compatible can be used with a variety of cookware materials, such as cast iron, magnetic stainless steel, and certain kinds made of stainless steel. This flexibility lets you utilize a range of pans and pots.
    • Cooking Zones: A lot of induction cookers come with different cooking zones, each with its own temperature control, which allows the cook to prepare different meals at the same time.

Normal Cooker (Gas or Electric):

  1. Cooking Experience:
    • Traditional Cooking: Traditional cookers offer a more traditional cooking experience that a lot of people are used to. They use burning open fires (gas) and heat elements (electric) to cookware.
    • Manual Control: Gas cooktops provide precise control of the flame, allowing users to alter the temperature manually. Electric cookers allow temperature control via knobs or digital settings.
    • Visual Cooking: When you cook with glowing flames, or heating elements that are visible you can watch the cooking process in real-time and some cooks like this to do tasks such as searing or roasting.
  1. Versatility:
    • Cooking Methods: Standard cookers, be they electric or gas can accommodate a variety of cooking methods.
    • Cookware Compatibility: They’re compatible with different cookware products, such as copper, aluminum glass, ceramic, and even glass. This can be advantageous in the event that you own a large assortment of pans and pots.
    • Perfect for traditional cooking styles Gas stoves, specifically, are preferred by a lot of professional chefs as well as home cooks due to their control precision and comfort.

The decision to use the induction and conventional cooker is based on your preferences for cooking and lifestyle. Induction cookers give you an efficient and precise cooking experience and a wide choice of temperature control which makes them a great choice for a variety of cooking methods.

The traditional cooker offers the traditional cooking experience and is also able to accommodate many types of cooking techniques as well as cookware. Your individual preferences, cooking requirements, and your level of comfort with different cooking methods will determine your selection.


The decision to use an induction cooker or a standard cooking appliance (gas as well as electric) is dependent on your individual requirements and preferences.

  • Induction cookers provide rapid heating and precise temperature control as well as energy savings, which makes them an ideal option for people who are looking for ease of use and environmental sustainability.
  • Traditional cookers give you a traditional cooking experience as well as flexibility, accommodating a variety of cooking techniques and a broad range of cookware items.

Be aware of factors such as your cooking style as well as the compatibility of cookware, budget, and environmental issues in deciding. In the end, the best option is the one that is most compatible with your cooking style and preferences.