6 Difference Between Jules Verne and H.G. Wells

Nov 20, 2023

Jules Verne and H.G. Wells: H.G. Wells Considered one of the founding fathers of science-fiction, provided us with many truths about life at that time which are still relevant today. Both authors explored a number of fascinating issues within human experience at that point in history - and both authors left us with insights that remain highly pertinent today.

Who is Jules Verne?

jules verne
Fig-no-1: Jules Verne
  • Jules Verne was a French author widely considered one of the pioneers of science fiction. His novels combine scientific exploration with fantastical ideas, leaving an indelible mark on popular culture and inspiring generations of writers.
  • Born in Nantes, France, and with a life-long passion for storytelling, Verne initially pursued legal studies at his father's request. While studying law, Verne continued writing and performing in theatre productions while at the same time continuing his writing. Over time he made the transition from law to literature by publishing his stories.
  • Verne's writing style was distinguished by intricate detail, wonder, and extensive research. He had the ability to envision future technological developments and their ramifications for readers' imaginations; his novels featured many innovative inventions, adventurous journeys, and explorations into uncharted territory that captured readers with vivid creativity.
  • Verne is perhaps best known for his groundbreaking works "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and "Journey to the Center of the Earth", both of which take readers on amazing expeditions below the Earth's surface. Additionally, his "Around the World in 80 Days", featuring Phileas Fogg on an amazing race against time is considered among his finest works.
  • Jules Verne left behind an extensive literary legacy through his writings that both inspired scientific and technological progress and entertained readers alike. His predictions about space travel, submarines, and lunar missions foretold the future. Verne is considered one of history's most celebrated figures thanks to these works that continue to live on.

Who is H.G. Wells?

H.G. Wells
Figure-no-02: H.G. Wells
  • H.G. Wells was born in 1866 and is widely recognized as the father of science fiction. Wells's prolific output spanned multiple genres such as social commentary and science fiction - his influence continues to resonate across popular culture and literature today.
  • Wells, born in Bromley and later studying biology and zoology at London's Royal College of Science, soon developed an early passion for reading and writing that heavily influenced his futuristic works.
  • Wells's writing style was distinguished by his ability to combine imaginative storytelling with social and political commentary. He used science fiction as a platform to examine societal issues during his lifetime; some themes covered included time travel, alien invasions, class differences, and ethics of scientific progress.
  • H.G. Wells is best known for his works "The Time Machine", in which he popularized time travel and explored its effects on human evolution; "The War of the Worlds", an innovative novel detailing an invasion by Martians; and "The Invisible Man," an examination of scientific experimentation and seeking power through scientific means.
  • Wells's writings elicited thought-provoking dialogue and highlighted his fear of potential dangers posed by technology and its misuse. Wells used science fiction as a medium to raise reader awareness of the risks associated with technology use and misuse.
  • H.G. Wells has made an immense contribution to science fiction and literature in general, both directly and through his influence on other writers, filmmakers, and thinkers. His ability to combine social commentary with innovative storytelling made him both a visionary author as well as one of the driving forces in developing science fiction itself.

Table Difference Between Jules Verne and H.G. Wells

Aspect Jules Verne H.G. Wells
Writing Style Detailed and grounded in science Imaginative and often unsettling
Themes Adventure, exploration, and technology Time travel, extraterrestrial invasion
Setting Often set in real-world locations Blends real-world settings with fantasy
Vision Optimistic about technological progress Mixed views on the consequences of science
Influence Father of science fiction Pioneer of science fiction and horror
Popular Works "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," "Around the World in 80 Days" "The Time Machine," "War of the Worlds"

Background and Writing Styles

I. Jules Verne

  1. Jules Verne's early life experiences and interests shaped his later work. Born into a seafaring family in Nantes, France in 1828, Verne quickly developed an appreciation for adventure, exploration and technology during childhood.
  2. At first, Verne studied law but quickly changed to writing. He quickly established himself in various genres including poetry, theater plays, and nonfiction - his science fiction works earned international renown. Verne became well-known for his meticulous research that ensured each detail of science could be accurate; believing his fantastical stories must remain grounded in scientific plausibility to add realism to them.
  3. Verne's novels feature journeys and expeditions that transport readers to distant corners of space, reflecting his passion for exploration. His meticulous descriptions of inventions such as submarines, time machines and airships underscored human ingenuity; Verne was known for his optimism toward science and technology's future development.

II. H.G. Wells

  1. H.G. Wells' writing style and background were strongly shaped by both his intellectual pursuits as well as observations of the social and political conditions of his day. Wells was born in Bromley in Kent England in 1866 where he studied biology and zoology before beginning to write fiction full-time in 1887.
  2. Wells' writing can be described as a blend of imaginative storytelling and social commentary. He used science-fiction as a vehicle to critique social issues and imagine their consequences; wells was especially interested in exploring class disparities, the dangers posed by unchecked advancement, and its effect on society, as well as technology's effects.
  3. Wells' novels combined social analysis and scientific speculation. His writing style was distinguished by vivid description, vivid character studies, psychological insight into his characters, as well as suspenseful plotlines that captured readers. Wells was an exceptional storyteller whose imaginative stories captured readers' interest.
  4. Wells approached science fiction differently from Verne; his works explored both the darker elements of science as well as its ethical ramifications, with potential social disruption being of primary concern in his writings.

Jules Verne and H.G. Wells both pioneered science fiction. But their writing styles differed significantly- Verne was more inclined toward adventure and optimism while Wells had an equally critical yet socially aware view.

Literary Works

Jules Verne

  1. Jules Verne was one of the greatest science fiction authors ever, and many of his stories and novels are considered classics of science fiction literature. Here are a few of his most noteworthy literary works.
  2. "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", first published in 1870, chronicles Captain Nemo's adventures aboard his submarine Nautilus as they explore the depths of ocean. This riveting novel includes memorable characters and vivid descriptions of marine life - making for an exciting tale!
  3. "Journey to the Center of the Earth", first published in 1864, follows Professor Otto Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel on an extraordinary adventure through Earth's interior, starting from its volcanic craters. Their journey leads them through geological wonders as well as amazing encounters.
  4. Verne's 1873 adventure novel "Around the World in Eighty Days", chronicling Phileas Frog as he sets off on an 80-day journey around the globe, captures both its thrill and its diversity through this fast-paced narrative.
  5. Verne's 1865 novel "From the Earth To The Moon" (1865) explores space travel as the Baltimore Gun Club plans to launch a rocket toward lunar orbit. Verne examines both technological and scientific challenges involved with reaching space, as well as our inherent human desire for knowledge of space exploration.

H.G. Wells

  1. Wells is known for his groundbreaking works across many genres. Perhaps most renowned are his science-fiction novels which explore futuristic ideas while making social commentary. Below are a selection of H.G. Wells' notable literary works.
  2. "The Time Machine", 1895- A seminal work of science fiction, "The Time Machine" recounts a time traveler who travels into the future to witness its development and witness social inequality while exploring potential implications of progress on humanity.
  3. Wells's novel "The War of the Worlds", first published in 1898, depicts destruction and chaos caused by Martian invaders. Wells was concerned about technological warfare and imperialism being deployed by nations against each other.
  4. The Invisible Man (1897) is a tale about a scientist who discovers a way to become invisible but becomes consumed by madness and desire for power. The tale examines themes such as identity, ethics, and potential risks associated with unchecked science experimentation.
  5. The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896) is an epic novel wherein a shipwrecked hero finds himself marooned on an isolated island where an inhumane scientist conducts terrifying experiments that turn animals into humanoids, raising moral questions as well as exploring boundaries within scientific inquiry. The Island of Doctor Moreau addresses morality and ethics while testing limits in scientific inquiry.

Here is a selection of some of the most notable works by Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, known for their innovative storytelling, scientific exploration, and social commentary.

Perspectives on Science and Technology

Jules Verne:

  1. Jules Verne's views of science and technology were marked by wonder, optimism, and trust in human ingenuity. In his works, Verne often depicted technological innovations as forces of exploration and progress; his perspective provided unique insight into science.
  2. Verne was known for his optimistic view of scientific progress. His works emphasized the power of science and technology to transform society for the better while depicting scientists and inventors as heroes with transformative effects through their inventions.
  3. Verne's novels showcased his fascination with technological developments and inventions through carefully described futuristic machines and vehicles, his detailed depictions demonstrating this fascination. His meticulous descriptions reveal an insatiable curiosity toward human creation that pervaded all his writing.
  4. Verne used technological marvels as vehicles of discovery. From submarines and time machines to airships, his inventions allowed his characters to explore uncharted territories while opening up new frontiers.
  5. Verne was amazed at all that science and technology offered him, as evidenced by his wonder at their extraordinary possibilities. He honored scientists and engineers by sharing their inventions as tools of discovery for furthering human knowledge.

H.G. Wells:

  1. H.G. Wells Wells viewed science from both an ethical and cautionary angle, acknowledging its potential but also highlighting any possible ethical repercussions or potential dangers it might pose. These key points outline his perspective.
  2. Wells's Critique of Scientific Progress- Wells questioned unbridled advances in science and technology, often depicting scientists as flawed or their experiments resulting in unexpected and negative side-effects.
  3. Wells' work often explored the dangers and ethical considerations associated with scientific advances. He touched upon topics like misuse of power and social inequality as well as possible dehumanization caused by technological innovations.
  4. Wells used science fiction as a vehicle to educate readers about the potential repercussions of technological progress on society and ethics, often creating cautionary tales to warn about blindly seeking knowledge without considering its consequences.
  5. Wells had an undisputably critical and skeptical outlook toward science and technology. While Wells recognized the advantages of technological progress, he wanted to emphasize its possible drawbacks as well as scientific exploration's responsibility.

Jules Verne celebrated the potential of scientific and technological wonders to facilitate exploration and social improvement, while H.G. Wells took a more skeptical view, considering ethical implications associated with technologies while using science fiction as an alarm against potential dangers posed by them.

Impact and Legacy

Jules Verne

  1. Jules Verne left an immeasurable mark on literature, science-fiction, and popular culture through his innovative storytelling, scientific plausibility emphasis, adventurous themes and lasting legacy. Verne is remembered fondly.
  2. Verne was a pioneer of science fiction. His groundbreaking works helped establish its development, while his pioneering concepts set an exemplary standard for future science-fiction authors.
  3. Verne has had a profound effect on future authors. His captivating stories, filled with both adventure and scientific speculation, inspired generations of authors, helping shape modern science fiction into what we know it as today.
  4. Verne was an internationally beloved author whose novels continue to delight readers across the globe. His works have been translated into multiple languages, becoming beloved classics that continue to captivate with their themes of exploration, scientific marvel, and adventure.

H.G. Wells

H.G. Wells' legacy and influence go well beyond literature; his innovative storytelling, social commentary, and thought-provoking ideas have left an ever-lasting impression.

Here are some key aspects that have contributed to Wells' legacy and impact:

Wells made significant contributions to science fiction through his novels, playing an instrumental role in shaping this genre with their explorations of futuristic concepts, social issues, and ethical dilemmas that set a standard for subsequent writers of science fiction. Wells's works expanded the genre by exploring complex themes while pushing its boundaries further than ever.

  1. Wells' ideas and concepts continue to have an enormous impact on modern science fiction themes and tropes, permeating popular culture and becoming mainstream themes and tropes in the science fiction genre. His works popularized alien invasions, dystopia society, and time travel - now fundamental elements in the genre.
  2. Wells' works have had an immense cultural impact. His stories have been adapted into films, TV series, and radio programs which introduce them to new audiences while further solidifying his place in society. Furthermore, Wells' narratives and concepts continue to influence artists, filmmakers, and creators from diverse media platforms.

Jules Verne & H.G. Wells' legacy outlives even their lifetimes; from contributions to science fiction to their provocative ideas and their ability to capture audiences, both have left lasting marks upon literary and cultural landscapes alike.


Jules Verne and H.G. Wells were the first authors to write writing speculative fiction. They helped shape the genre of science fiction. Verne is famous for his imaginative tales that are rooted in the scientifically plausible and thrilling such as "Around the World in 80 Days." In contrast, H.G. Wells was shrewd and often disturbing situations, including the idea of time travel and time in "The Time Machine" and alien invasions in "War of the Worlds." Both authors wrote with distinct themes and styles, but together, they set the foundations for contemporary science fiction literature, enthralling many writers and enthralling readers with their imaginative stories.