Amazing 10 Fact about Liquid and Granular Chlorine

Nov 20, 2023
Liquid and Granular Chlorine

Liquid and Granular Chlorine are two popular types this chemical compounds that are widely utilized for water treatment as well as disinfection. Liquid chlorine, which is typically stored in pressurized containers is a sodium hypochlorite-based product and has an abundance of chlorine.

It is simple to use, but it requires special methods of storage and handling because of its corrosive nature. Granular chlorine, which is typically calcium hypochlorite is a powder that disintegrates slowly when it is added to the water.

It has good stability and is much easier to store, it has less available chlorine concentration. The decision between granular and liquid chlorine is based on the application requirements, storage capacities handling techniques, and budgetary constraints.

The proper safety measures must be taken while working with either type to ensure safety and effective disinfection.

Explanation of Liquid Chlorine

Liquid chlorine, referred to as sodium hypochlorite is a commonly used chemical compound used for water treatment, disinfection, and sanitation. It is usually delivered in pressurized containers to preserve the liquid form.

Liquid chlorine is prized due to its abundant chlorine content, which makes it a powerful disinfectant. It is a simple process to apply to different water treatment processes like pool chlorination or the treatment of wastewater.

Liquid Chlorine
Figure 01: Liquid Chlorine

Handling liquid chlorine requires special precautions due to its acidic and corrosive nature. It poses a risk to safety and health in the event of improper handling so appropriate storage, transportation, and handling practices are vital.

Liquid chlorine is susceptible to degradation over time, and it can decrease its effectiveness when exposed to sunlight and heat. In short liquid chlorine is a potent disinfectant that has a high chlorine content.

It makes it highly effective in a variety of water treatment processes. Its safety and dependable handling are essential to avoid accidents and guarantee its efficiency.

Explanation of Granular Chlorine

Granular chlorine, usually calcium hypochlorite is a dry, solid chemical used extensively for sanitation and water treatment. In contrast to liquid chlorine, it can be stored, transported, and used as powder, which has advantages regarding stability and easy storage.

Granular Chlorine
Figure 02: Granular Chlorine

It is an effective disinfectant that is employed in the maintenance of swimming pools and drinking water treatment as well as wastewater treatment. One of the benefits of the granular form of chlorine is the slow dissolving speed when mixed with water, which makes it a long-lasting source of chlorine.

This can allow for the same level of disinfection throughout time. It does, however, have less chlorine in comparison to liquid chlorine meaning that more quantities could be required to maintain the same degree of disinfection.

The granular form of chlorine can be less toxic as liquid chlorine which makes it more manageable. It is essential to adhere to the proper precautions and safety procedures when handling granular chlorine in order  to guarantee safety and efficiency in water treatment processes.

The Chemical Formula for Liquid Chlorine and granular Chlorine?

Liquid Chlorine:

The chemical formula used to describe purified liquid chlorine Cl2. It’s made up of diatomic chloride molecules which are composed of two chlorine (Cl) molecules bound together by a covalent bond.

At temperatures of ambient temperature and pressure, chlorine is in the state of gas, however, once it’s chilled to a lower temperature and then compressed may transform into a liquid.

Granular Chlorine:

“Granular chlorine” or “granular chlorine” typically refers to the solid chlorine compounds that are used in water treatment and disinfection usually the calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) or similar compounds. The chemical formula of calcium hypochlorite can be described as follows:

Calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) it is composed of calcium (Ca) and chlorine (Cl) as well as oxygen (O)  atoms. The chlorine present in the compound is the reason in its anti-bacterial properties.

The chemical formula may differ slightly depending on the specific formula and composition of the item but generally, it contains chlorine in combination with other elements.

What is the Strongest liquid Chlorine for Pool?

The choice between granular and liquid chlorine in the pool is contingent on a variety of variables, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Each kind has its pros and drawbacks, and the ideal choice that will best suit your needs for the pool is contingent on your individual requirements and preferences. Take into consideration the following aspects before deciding.

  • The size of the pool and the volume of water: The chlorine in liquid form is generally more concentrated, which makes it ideal for pools with a high demand for chlorine. Granular chlorine is a good choice for smaller pools.
  • Convenience: It is simple to apply because you can add it directly to water in the pool. Granular chlorine needs to be dissolved in an ice bucket prior to adding it to the pool.
  • Storage and handling: Liquid chlorine can be dangerous to handle because of its chemically corrosive properties. Granular chlorine is usually safer to handle and store.
  • Cost: Liquid chloride can be more expensive per unit of chlorine, whereas granular chlorination might be more cost-effective for pool owners with limited budgets.
  • The availability of chlorine: Think about the availability of chlorine-based products in your region because it may vary.
  • Water Chemistry: The chemical composition of your particular water chemistry for your pool and the kind of chlorine that performs best with it could influence your decision.
  • Personal preference: Certain pool owners might have a preference for certain types of chlorine over another depending on their experiences and their comfort level in using the products.

Liquid and Granular Chlorine: are they the same?

Granular and liquid chlorine are not the same thing; there are 2 distinct types of chlorine used in treating water as well as disinfection. They differ in many fundamental aspects:

  • Physical Type: Liquid chloride is a solution of sodium hypochlorite that is liquid in nature in contrast to granular chlorine, which is a solid powder typically, in the form of calcium hypochlorite.
  • Chemical Content Available: Liquid chlorination generally has a higher chlorine content, which makes it more potent and efficient in disinfecting compared to Granular chlorine which is less available chlorine amount.
  • Storage and handling: Liquid chlorine requires special handling and storage procedures due to its corrosive reactive nature. Granular chlorine is much easier to store and transport and has fewer safety issues.
  • Application Methods: Liquid chloride is able to be dosed by chemical feed pumps and is simpler to disperse. Granular chlorine has a slower dissolution, which makes it ideal for specific applications such as chlorination of swimming pools.
  • Cost: The price of granular and liquid chlorine may differ and liquid chlorine typically costing more on a per-unit basis due to its greater concentration.

Key Difference Between Liquid and Granular Chlorine

Here’s a comparison chart summarizing the key differences between liquid and granular chlorine:

Aspect Liquid Chlorine Granular Chlorine
Chemical Formula Cl2 (diatomic chlorine molecule) Typically Ca(ClO)2 (e.g., calcium hypochlorite)
Physical Form Liquid under pressure Solid powder
Available Chlorine Content High Variable, often lower
Storage and Handling Requires specialized storage and handling due to corrosiveness Generally safer and easier to handle
Dissolution Rate Fast, immediately mixes with water Slow, requires pre-dissolving in water
Convenience Easy to apply, no pre-dissolving Pre-dissolving may be required
Cost Often more expensive per unit of available chlorine Cost-effective per unit of available chlorine
Application Areas Suitable for larger pools with high chlorine demand Versatile, often used for smaller pools and shock treatments
Corrosion Risk Can corrode pool equipment and surfaces Less corrosive to pool components
Shelf Life Limited, degrades over time when exposed to heat and sunlight Longer shelf life with proper storage

The Pros of Liquid and Granular Chlorine

Liquid Chlorine:

  • High Concentration Liquid chlorine generally contains a high chlorine content, which makes it an effective disinfectant.
  • Easy of Use: It can be added directly into the water of the pool which makes it easy and easy to utilize.
  • Fast acting: Liquid chlorine works quickly to increase chlorine levels that are vital in addressing imbalances or shocks to the pool.
  • Is suitable for large pools: Its high concentration makes it ideal for bigger pools that have a high demand for chlorine.

Granular Chlorine:

  • Storage and handling: The granular form of chlorine is typically more secure and easy to manage and store as compared to liquid chlorine. It doesn’t require any special containers for storage or equipment to handle.
  • Slow Dissolution: Slow dissolution for granular chlorine helps to maintain a more stable level of chlorine in time, which can reduce the requirement for frequent re-dosing.
  • Low Cost: Per unit basis, Granular chlorine can be cheaper as compared to liquid chlorine.
  • Flexible: It is versatile and is suitable for diverse water treatment applications for example, in swimming pools or as a shock treatment.
  • Reduced Corrosion Risk: It is not as harmful to surfaces and equipment in pools and can increase the life of the pool’s components.

The Cons of Liquid and Granular Chlorine

Both types of chlorine, liquid and granular, have disadvantages that pool owners must be aware of when deciding which to choose:

Liquid Chlorine:

  • Inflammation: Liquid chlorine is highly corrosive, and could cause damage to plumbing equipment, pool equipment storage containers and plumbing. A special storage and handling system is needed to minimize the danger.
  • Safety Issues: Transporting and handling liquid chlorine requires strict security protocols due to its corrosive properties and the risk of gas leakage if handled improperly.
  • Storage Space: Liquid chlorine generally will require more storage than regular chlorine due the need for special storage tanks.
  • Longer Shelf Life: Liquid chlorine degrades with time and its shelf-life is usually quite shorter, particularly when exposed to sunlight and heat.
  • High Cost: The liquid chlorine option is generally more expensive per unit of chlorine when compared with Granular chlorine, which could make it more expensive to operate maintenance on pools.

Granular Chlorine:

  • The time it takes to dissolve: Granular chlorine dissolves slowly, which delays its effect on water in pools and make it less suited to quickly address balances in the level of chlorine.
  • Pre-Dissolving Requirements: Granular chlorine needs to be dissolved in the water in a bucket prior to placing it in the water. This may be more difficult than adding liquid chlorine directly to the water.
  • Handling Precautions: Although generally safer than liquid chlorine Granular chlorine requires appropriate handling precautions to ensure that it does not come into contact with eye and skin.
  • Storage considerations: It’s important to keep the granular chlorine stored in a dry, cool space free of other chemicals to avoid degradation.
  • Lower Chlorine Content: Granular chlorine usually contains a lower chloride amount compared to liquid chlorine and may require larger amounts for the same disinfection.


Liquid chloride, which is known by its chemical formula Cl2 is a potent disinfectant that is commonly used in water treatment. It’s a diatomic chemical molecule comprised of two chlorine atoms.

It is stored in a liquid form under pressure. It’s extremely concentrated, fast-acting, and is suitable for larger pools, however, it requires special handling and storage because of its corrosive properties.

Granular chlorine, like calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) is a solid chemical that is commonly employed for disinfection. It is safer and easier to store and handle as compared with liquid chlorine.

The granular chlorine dissolves gradually, thereby providing a long-lasting supply of chlorine. It’s flexible, economical and is ideal for pools with smaller sizes. The choice between liquid or crystallized chlorine depends on your pool’s size, the convenience factor security considerations, as well as budgetary restrictions.