Difference Between Sacred and Profane

Nov 20, 2023

Sacred and Profane: The words sacred and profane have been traditionally used to describe religion. The word profane is used more often today and can be applied to vulgar or offensive words. The word sacred has been used to describe all things religious and holy. In everyday life, they are essentially antonyms. This article will describe the usages and contexts of these words.

Definition of Sacred

Figure-no-01: Sacred

Sacred: When discussing anything that is considered holy or divine, or related to supernatural forces, sacred is used as an adjective. This realm often encompasses religious practices with rituals associated with them. Rituals associated with religious tradition tend to occur here. Reverence and purity characterize it; feeling of transcendence or reverence also define it. Examples include texts like holy texts of religious texts from temples or mosques as well as objects like mosques or churches that mark its presence, relics that hold significance, or objects used during religious services - just to name a few.

Definition of Profane

Figure-no-02: Profane

Profane: The profane encompasses anything that's not religious or sacred, from everyday mundane aspects of life to nonreligious or nonsacred concerns such as entertainment or worldly pursuits. While it might sound negative or disrespectful, "profane" should not be taken negatively - rather it refers to mundane elements of daily existence that don't carry religious or spiritual meaning. It includes work relationships, entertainment, and many more activities which don't carry spiritual weight such as entertainment or worldly pursuits.

Characteristics of the Sacred

Specific Characteristics of the Sacred The sacred is distinguished by various features that distinguish its observance from that of secular societies, including:

  1. Relation to religious beliefs The concept of sacredness is associated with spiritual practices which believe to harness supernatural or divine forces, often through prayer or rituals.
  2. The sacred is widely esteemed and honored. Sacred things tend to be seen as distinct from society at large and revered and appreciated by their followers.
  3. Rituals and ceremonies The sacred is typically commemorated through ceremonies, rituals, or other forms of spiritual or religious practice.
  4. For example, objects, locations, and actions considered sacred could include religious statues, texts, or objects of worship; temples churches, or any other location that holds significance could also be considered holy, and prayers or meditation, or any religious ceremony would all count as religious acts that require reverence and respect.

In general, the sacred is defined by its relationship with God as well as its status of reverence among religious followers and celebrations thereof.

Characteristics of the Profane

The profane is distinguished from its holy counterpart by several characteristics that set it apart, such as:

  1. Profane matters may seem innocuous enough, yet still hold special meaning to us as part of everyday life, yet they lack the significance associated with sacred acts.
  2. Profane matters are those that lack spiritual or religious significance; the profane is not considered sacred in any sense of the term. There is no connection to religious traditions and its presence isn't believed to possess supernatural or divine powers.
  3. Profanity doesn't receive special treatment or regard; rather it is often considered common or even insignificant.
  4. Examples of items, locations, and actions which could be considered inappropriate include everyday items like cups, chairs or pencils; profane locations include offices or streets where these actions could take place; common actions could include cooking and cleaning tasks or transportation routes.

Typically, profane objects and activities can be recognized by their lack of significance and respect and their widespread nature.

Difference Between Sacred and Profane

  • The words profane and sacred have long been associated with religious topics. Today, however, their usage has expanded beyond this traditional context to cover any variety of actions considered offensive to others, from cursing words or anything offensive in nature to anything that veers toward being sexual in nature. Conversely, sacred has long been associated with things holy or religious; today it can refer to anything religious related. These terms have become commonplace within everyday speech as synonyms and this article will explore their respective meanings in detail.
  • The term profane comes from Latin profanes (pro-before as well as fanum-temple). This word suggests that all things considered holy stand against anything that may be seen as profane; traditionally speaking however, profanity was used as an adjective that described things that weren't holy as well as normal things, times and locations that weren't necessarily religiously significant. Church structures look much like other concrete constructions; when entering, however, you immediately feel something holy and sacred - one reason that any item associated with religions or churches is held sacred. Modern society has dulled our sense of wonder and reverence; today it can only be experienced during special religious holidays like Easter and Christmas when celebrating Jesus as we remember His holy moments or remember his birth as we remember his sacred birth date. These holy holidays serve to transport us away from everyday routine and remind us to appreciate what was sacred once more.
  • Holidays come from the Greek word hagialos, meaning "holy day", so we can feel sacredness on these special days. While sacred has retained some of its original significance, profane is now used as an umbrella term encompassing anything not just unholy but vulgar or offensive as well.


Characteristics Sacred Profane
Connection with religion Often associated with religious or spiritual traditions Not associated with religious or spiritual traditions
Elevated and revered status Seen as something special and set apart Not given any special treatment or reverence
Rituals and ceremonies Celebrated through rituals, ceremonies, and religious practices Not celebrated through any specific rituals or ceremonies
Examples of objects, places, and actions Examples of objects might include religious texts, statues, or relics; sacred places might include temples, churches, or other places of worship; sacred actions might include prayer, meditation, or other forms of religious practice Examples of objects might include everyday items such as chairs, cups, or pencils; profane places might include streets, offices, or other everyday locations; profane actions might include mundane activities such as cooking, cleaning, or commuting
Religious or spiritual significance Often believed to be imbued with divine or supernatural power Not believed to be imbued with divine or supernatural power
Reverence and respect Revered and respected by believers Not given any special respect or reverence
Role in society Plays a central role in religious or spiritual traditions Part of everyday life and social structures
Behavior influence Encourages behaviors that align with religious or spiritual values Does not necessarily influence behavior in a specific way
Historical and cultural significance Often has deep historical and cultural significance Not necessarily significant in a historical or cultural context
Subjectivity and relativism Often viewed as objectively sacred Viewed subjectively and may vary across cultures and individuals

Similarities and relationships between Sacred and Profane

  • Symbolism and meaning: The sacred and the profane have symbolic and cultural significance. The sacred is usually associated with things that are believed to be sacred or divine, or even spiritually significant. The profane, on the other hand, refers to the everyday, mundane, and mundane aspects of our lives. Both concepts have a role to play in determining how people as well as societies perceive their own existence and their place within the world.
  • Interconnectedness: In some religious systems and worldviews the sacred and profane are viewed as being connected or even dependent. The sacred is often thought of as to be a higher level that provides significance and meaning to the mundane aspects of daily life. The interconnectedness is evident in rituals, where specific actions or objects are utilized to connect the two worlds.
  • The Human Experience: The sacred as well as the profane are integral to the human experience. Humans navigate their lives by engaging in a variety of ways, including the sacred as well as the profane, and often try to find meaning and balance between both. This may lead to rituals that seek to preserve everyday life or to raise the level of profane rituals to a greater or more significant degree.
  • Cultural Variability: The boundaries and definitions that define the holy and profane may differ significantly between different cultures and beliefs. What is sacred in one society may be considered to be profane in another and the reverse is true. This diversity highlights the nebulous nature of these concepts as well as their contextualization.
  • Influence on behavior: The sacred and profane aspects of life can influence the way we behave. Values and beliefs that are sacred often determine moral and ethical decisions While recognizing the more profane aspects of life may influence social norms and relationships.
  • Existential Exploration: Explore the Existential The sacred and the profane often are intertwined with questions about the meaning of existence, meaning as well as the reality of things. Theologians, philosophers, and thinkers from all times have pondered these ideas to understand the purpose of humanity in the universe.
  • Language and Expression: Expression and Language Art, language, and other forms of expression are utilized to explore and communicate both the sacred and the profane. Artists, writers, poets, and musicians frequently take inspiration from these areas in their work to are a reflection of their knowledge about the universe.


The separation between profane and sacred is an integral aspect of religious and cultural traditions worldwide, including larger social structures. The sacred is generally associated with religious or spiritual beliefs and is thought to possess supernatural or divine powers. Honored through ceremonies and rituals, and given revered status by believers. However, everyday occurrences don't hold any spiritual or religious significance for this reason. As part of everyday life, this act doesn't deserve any special recognition or consideration. Although distinguishing sacred from common can sometimes be challenging and may differ across societies and cultures, understanding how we classify and perceive the world will provide insight into how we classify it and perceive our environment.