Mexico and United States – Best 18 Difference!!

Nov 20, 2023

Mexico and the United States have many differences, These can be explained by their geography, government, history, economics, etc. Mexico and the United States both are neighboring countries located in North America. Mexico is located below the United States, while the United States is located between Canada and Mexico. Barack Obama is the President of the United States currently, while Enrique Pena Nieto is the President of Mexico. Mexico City, the capital city of Mexico, is larger than Washington, D.C., while New York, the largest American city, is bigger than Washington, D.C. Learn more about the two countries.

Background information about Mexico and the United States

Mexico and the United States share a border in North America, stretching from Mexico's northern borders with Canada to Belize and Guatemala in its south. Both nations boast rich histories and diverse cultures.

Mexico (known officially as the United Mexican States) is the 11th-largest nation on Earth and covers an approximate landmass area of 1.96 million square kilometers. As the largest Spanish-speaking nation worldwide with an estimated population of over 130 million people, its capital city Mexico City serves as both a cultural and economic center.

The United States of America is an expansive country spanning an estimated 9,83 million square kilometers, making it one of the four-largest in terms of land area and third in terms of population; exceeding 331 million in population as of 2010. Washington D.C. serves as its capital city while major urban hubs such as New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago serve as economic and cultural centers of their own right.

Mexico and the United States share an interwoven history marked by cultural exchanges and trade. Long before European explorers came, what is today Mexico was home to numerous indigenous cultures such as Mayans and Aztecs; Spain colonized Mexico during the 16th century, remaining a dominant presence until 1821 when Mexico attained independence.

Contrarily, the United States was colonized primarily by Britain during the 17th-18th centuries. Following a successful Revolution, in 1776 they declared independence from England and expanded westward through Louisiana Purchase and Mexican-American War.

Mexico's cultural heritage is an amalgamation of Spanish and indigenous influences, evidenced in its art, music, literature, and cuisine. Meanwhile, an immigrant-rich nation like the US has adopted many different cultures from around the globe into its society to form a multicultural mosaic.

Mexico and the United States share a complicated relationship characterized by shared economic ties, migration patterns, and shared challenges such as drug trafficking and border safety. Understanding their differences is paramount to comprehending their histories, cultures, and societal structures.

Comparison Table Between Mexico and the United States

Aspect Mexico United States
Geography Located in southern North America, bordered by the United States to the north and several Central American countries to the south Located in North America, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south
Capital Mexico City Washington, D.C.
Official Language Spanish English
Population Approximately 126 million Approximately 332 million
Government Federal presidential republic A federal presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President President
Currency Mexican Peso (MXN) United States Dollar (USD)
GDP (2020) $1.27 trillion (World Bank) $22.68 trillion (World Bank)
Major Industries Manufacturing, petroleum, automotive, tourism, agriculture Finance, technology, healthcare, aerospace, entertainment, agriculture
Education System Structured into three levels basic education, upper secondary education, and higher education Structured into primary education, secondary education, and higher education
Healthcare System The public healthcare system (IMSS, ISSSTE) with private healthcare services available A mix of public and private healthcare, with employer-sponsored insurance and government programs like Medicare and Medicaid
Social Welfare Various social assistance programs (PROSPERA, Seguro Popular) Social security system, unemployment insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, and other safety net programs
Immigration Policy Implements its own immigration laws and policies Complex immigration system with various visa categories and evolving policies
Border Policy Implements border control measures, especially at the US-Mexico border Focuses on border security, including physical barriers and increased enforcement measures
Sports Soccer (football) is highly popular American football, baseball, basketball, and ice hockey are popular
Cuisine Known for dishes like tacos, enchiladas, and mole Diverse cuisine influenced by various cultures, including hamburgers, hot dogs, barbecue, and apple pie
Holidays Day of the Dead, Independence Day Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Time Zones Multiple time zones Multiple time zones

Geographical Differences

Geographical differences play an integral part in shaping landscapes, climates, and natural features across Mexico and the United States. Here are some key examples that show these disparities.

Location and Size:

  1. Mexico: Mexico is located in southern North America and spans from its border with the United States to its tip on Yucatan Peninsula, bordered by Guatemala and Belize to its south. Mexico ranks eleventh largest in terms of area with 1.96 million square kilometers covered.
  2. United States of America: Situated in central North America and bordered to its north by Canada and to its south by Mexico, the United States is the fourth-largest nation worldwide and covers an area of 9.83 million square kilometers.

Topography and Landforms:

  1. Mexico: Mexico boasts an expansive topography comprised of deserts, mountains, and coastal plains - most notably the Sierra Madre Mountain Range and Yucatan Peninsula as notable features.
  2. United States of America: Geographic features in the US vary significantly from area to area; Appalachians and Rockies stand out, along with vast plains and coastal regions like Great Plains and the Atlantic Ocean.


  1. Mexico: Due to its vast size and varied elevations, Mexico experiences diverse climates. There are tropical and subtropical areas, arid deserts, and highland regions; while coastal regions enjoy either Mediterranean-type weather or temperate conditions on their plateau.
  2. United States: Due to its size and geographical diversity, the United States boasts a variety of climate zones including temperate, continental climates, Mediterranean climates, subarctic climates, and tropical climates. From Alaska's long winters to hot, humid summers across much of the southern United States, there's something here for every climate preference imaginable!

Natural Features:

  1. Mexico: Mexico is home to numerous natural wonders, such as the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain ranges and Copper Canyon.
  2. United States: America boasts many natural wonders, including the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, and Yosemite National Park - as well as national parks such as Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountains.

Geographic diversity among nations plays an integral part in creating unique ecosystems and biodiversity, providing ample opportunities for economic activities, tourism, and outdoor pursuits.

Cultural Differences

There are numerous cultural differences between Mexico, the US, and Canada that span language, religions, cuisine, and traditions.

Here are a few key points which highlight these cultural distinctions:


  1. Mexico: Spanish is the official language of Mexico and plays an essential role in Mexican literature, culture, media, and daily life.
  2. United States of America: While English is the dominant language spoken throughout, no official one exists. Due to its diverse population, other languages including Spanish and Tagalog can also be spoken throughout this nation.


  1. Mexico: Most Mexicans identify as Roman Catholic, with Catholicism having long been embedded into its culture and history - festivals, rituals and traditions being particularly strongly tied to this faith in Mexico. There is however also a wide array of other faiths present including Protestant Christians as well as other forms of adherents of other faiths in Mexico.
  2. United States of America: the United States is well known as a land with diverse religious beliefs. Although Christianity - including Roman Catholicism and various Protestant denominations - remains the dominant faith, other faiths such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism also make an appearance within this vast religious landscape. A significant portion of its population does not adhere to a specific faith tradition and this includes non-religious citizens as well.


  1. Mexico: Mexico's cuisine is widely recognized for its variety of ingredients and longstanding culinary traditions, from tacos and tamales to enchiladas, guacamole, salsas, and mole - not forgetting tomatoes, avocados, and herbs and spices that add depth.
  2. United States of America: American cuisine is diverse and influences from numerous cultures have had a lasting impression. Cuisine differs by region; though classic American staples such as hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza, apple pie, and fried chicken remain immensely popular across all regions of America. Due to its multicultural population, American society embraces international flavors in its cuisine.

Traditions and Celebrations:

  1. Mexico: Mexico boasts an expansive culture and vibrant celebrations, such as Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), Christmas, Independence Day, and Carnival.
  2. United States: In the United States, many holidays and traditions are observed and observed throughout the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter are some of the more widely observed celebrations; Independence Day (4th of July), Halloween, and New Year's Day also play important roles. There are also regional celebrations such as Mardi Gras in New Orleans or St Patrick's Day commemorations held across cities with Irish heritage.

Political Systems  

Mexico and the United States share distinct identities and customs that shape their unique identities and customs. Cultural differences impact everything from art, music, and literature production, to social interactions between people in both nations as well as everyday life - they reflect their diverse histories, values, and societal norms.

Political Systems Mexico and the United States both feature distinct political systems with regard to government structures, parliamentary processes, and party affiliation. Below are some key differences between their political systems.



Mexico has a presidential government structure within a federalist republic system. The three branches are legislative, executive, and judicial. An elected President serves a six-year term as both head of government and state.

Mexico holds regular elections to elect its president, senators, and deputies; it also conducts local elections. The president is chosen through popular vote. Mexico's legislative branch comprises two chambers, the Senate (upper chamber) and the Chamber of Deputies.

Mexico has a multiparty system, with various political parties holding power. Traditionally, the Institutional Revolutionary Party(PRI), National Action Party(PAN), and Party of Democratic Revolution(PRD) were the three leading parties; more recently there has been an upsurge in interest towards new parties such as MORENA (National Regeneration Movement).

United States:

The United States of America is home to a federal government built around the separation of powers, checks, and balances. There are three branches of government, executive, legislative and judicial. The president serves as both head of government and state and can run for up to two four-year terms at once.

Electoral Processes - The United States holds regular elections to fill various positions, such as those for President, Members of Congress (House of Representatives and Senate), state and local officials, and more. The Electoral College elects the president; each state's electoral vote determines who wins this vote.

Political Parties in the US. The United States of America is home to a two-party political system dominated by both the Democratic Party (Democratic) and Republican Party, both of which play key roles in shaping political discourse, agendas, and campaigns. There are also smaller third parties with significant presence at both local and national levels.

Mexico and the United States both possess democratic systems which ensure representation for their citizens through regular elections. They also feature separation between powers. Their structures, electoral systems, and party systems differ considerably between nations resulting in different policy outcomes and political dynamics.

Economic Differences 

Economic differences can be observed among Mexico, the US, and other nations in terms of exports, major industries, economic disparities, and levels of development.

Some key points of comparison can include:


Mexico is an economically diverse nation, boasting numerous major industries. These include automobile and electronics manufacturing, oil & energy production, and tourism/agriculture sectors as well as mining operations & agriculture production & agricultural export. Mexico stands as the number one automobile producer & exporter worldwide.

Mexico's economy relies heavily on exports. Its top trading partners are the US, Canada, and China; Mexico exports automobiles, auto parts, machinery, electronic products, petroleum products, agricultural goods, and manufactured products to these three nations.

Mexico faces wide-ranging economic disparities, from income inequality and regional gaps to economic disparities in rural areas and certain regions that tend to be economically less stable than urban centers such as Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara.

The World Bank identifies Mexico as an upper-middle-income nation. Mexico currently faces several development issues such as poverty, informal employment markets, corruption, and limited access to quality education and healthcare.

United States:

United States
Figure-02:United States

The United States boasts an economy with diverse offerings. Its main sectors of the economy are finance, technology, and manufacturing as well as aerospace, entertainment, agriculture, and services - leading in many sectors like technology innovation, pharmaceuticals, financial services, and aerospace.

The United States exports more products than any other nation worldwide, including machinery, aircraft, automobiles, and agricultural products. Canada, Mexico China Japan, and the European Union are major trading partners.

Economic Disparities: In the United States, economic disparities exist with different income levels and opportunities across regions. Income inequality, healthcare access, and social mobility are all topics of debate in these debates.

The World Bank has classified the United States as a country with high income. It boasts an advanced financial system, developed infrastructure, and cutting-edge technologies; yet still faces numerous challenges such as wealth distribution, unemployment, and economic mobility of certain populations.

Economic differences between Mexico, the United States, and Canada result from differences in trade patterns, economic policies, and development pathways - differences that generate distinct strengths, challenges, and opportunities within each nation.

Education Systems

Mexico and the US each have separate education systems with various characteristics that distinguish them. They vary in structure, organization, and access as well as outcomes - just some of the major distinctions between them. These differences highlight some key distinctions between Mexico's and America's educational systems.


Mexico's education system consists of three levels: primary and secondary education, upper secondary education, and university studies. Children between 6-14 are entitled to free basic education.

Access and Enrollment: While access to education has increased over the years, rural areas and marginalized communities still face difficulties in receiving an adequate education. Dropout rates remain high while socioeconomic factors continue to play a part in disparities of access.

UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimates that Mexican adults have an adult literacy rate of 95.1%. There may be differences in literacy rates depending on regions and socioeconomic groups.

Mexico boasts an array of both public and private universities and colleges, and enrollment numbers continue to increase, although quality and relevance in relation to job market demand remain an issue.

Education Structure in the US:

American education can be divided into three distinct areas, which are primary education (elementary school and middle school), secondary (high school), or tertiary education (college and university). Most education is administered locally or at state levels.

Access and Enrollment, Public education in the US is accessible to all children regardless of their age or residency status, with compulsory attendance until 16-18 years old in some states (depending on how old the individual is). Unfortunately, however, funding and location issues often create disparities when it comes to access to resources, extracurricular activities and quality instruction - this being true regardless of location and funding sources.

The United States boasts an extremely high adult literacy rate due to primary education's emphasis on literacy skills; however, functional illiteracy and disparate literacy proficiency remain significant concerns.

Higher Education in the U.S.:

In the U.S., higher education comprises an extensive and varying system that encompasses public and private colleges as well as community colleges and vocational schools. Students place great value on education; many pursue bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree programs here.

Mexico and the United States both face similar educational system issues, including access, quality, and equity issues. Both nations are making efforts to provide greater educational opportunities to their respective students in order to meet these challenges; their individual educational systems differ depending on factors like society, economy, and culture in both nations.

Healthcare Systems 

Mexico and the United States' healthcare systems differ significantly in many respects, from their structure and coverage to financing arrangements and costs.

Here are a few key differences between them:


  • Structure: Mexico's public healthcare system, the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social is designed to serve employees of formal sector businesses as well as their families. There is also the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE), which caters exclusively to government employees; additionally, there may be private healthcare options available to those with higher incomes.
  • Coverage: Mexico has an expansive public healthcare system that covers much of its population, yet still faces difficulties providing quality access and care in rural and marginalized communities. Uninsured persons frequently rely on personal funds or government assistance. Mexico's public healthcare system is funded through contributions from the government, employees, and employers; while private services rely heavily on out-of-pocket payments or insurance payments.
  • Mexico's Healthcare Outcomes: Although Mexico has seen great strides forward over recent years, challenges still exist in terms of healthcare quality, availability of specialists and infrastructure. Furthermore, significant public health concerns exist, including noncommunicable diseases and healthcare-associated infections that plague the nation.

Structure of Healthcare Delivery in the US:

  • Healthcare in the United States is an amalgamation of public and private sectors. There is no centralized healthcare system; rather it includes Medicare, Medicaid and employer-sponsored policies (such as PIP ) along with private health plans as providers of care.
  • Unfortunately, healthcare in the US is not universal; most Americans are covered by their employers but some may qualify for government-sponsored programs due to age, disability, or income - though a significant portion of people remain uninsured.
  • Healthcare services in the US are funded through employer contributions, premium payments from individuals, and taxes paid. Out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles and payments may also apply when accessing healthcare.
  • The United States is renowned for its advanced medical technologies and facilities as well as research. However, healthcare outcomes within its borders do not follow a uniform pattern and vary between populations in terms of access, quality, and results. Furthermore, Americans often worry about its high costs.

Mexico and the United States face similar healthcare system challenges, including providing accessibility, affordability, and quality healthcare to their respective populations. Both nations are working to improve healthcare outcomes and address these issues - though their structures, financing mechanisms, and approaches differ depending on the social, economic, and political environments of each nation.

Social Welfare and Safety Nets

Social welfare and safety networks are government initiatives designed to aid those facing financial difficulty, unemployment, or disability.

Here are some key differences between Mexico and the US regarding social welfare and safety networks:


  • Mexico provides several social assistance programs designed to reduce poverty and provide social protection. PROSPERA is one of the more prominent programs, providing cash transfers, health care coverage, and education services to low-income households. Seguro Popular, Oportunidades, and programs targeting vulnerable groups like elderly and disabled citizens are also offered.
  • Mexico's social assistance program often features conditional cash transfers. Beneficiaries receive financial assistance if they meet certain requirements such as regular health checks and school attendance.
  • Mexico's social welfare programs have been implemented, yet some challenges must still be met to ensure they reach those most in need and offer comprehensive coverage; this is particularly relevant in rural or marginalized regions.

Informal Sector in Mexico: Mexico's informal sector is home to many individuals without access to social welfare or safety net services, so increasing coverage and assistance to this population is vitally important.

United States:

  • In the US, social security provides retirement, disability, and survivor's benefits to eligible Americans who pay payroll taxes; it serves as an important safety net for older adults, those living with disabilities, and their dependents as well.
  • In the United States, unemployment insurance provides temporary financial aid to workers who experience a loss of employment. It's jointly funded and administered by the government and employers; eligibility requirements differ by state.
  • Medicaid and Medicare. In the U.S., two major healthcare programs exist - Medicaid provides coverage for low-income families and individuals while Medicare covers older people and certain individuals with disabilities.
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also referred to as food stamps, is a government-funded program that gives low-income families and individuals money to purchase nutritious food items that will reduce food insecurity while increasing nutrition.

Mexico and the United States each offer social welfare programs designed to address the needs and concerns of their populations, with each nation implementing programs with different eligibility requirements, coverage levels, and funding mechanisms depending on social policies, economic conditions, and political priorities. Both nations strive to expand and improve these social welfare programs in order to offer sufficient assistance and support for vulnerable groups in society.

Immigration and Border Policies

Immigration and border policies play an integral part in controlling how people move between Mexico and the United States, with key differences between Mexico and America in regard to immigration and border policies.


  • Mexico's immigration policy regulates the entry, stay, and employment of foreigners within its borders. Mexico has instituted various immigration programs tailored to specific migration needs such as humanitarian visas and temporary residence permits.
  • Mexico and the United States share a border, making migration management between them an ongoing challenge. Mexico has taken measures such as checkpoints, enforcement operations, and border patrols to manage crossings of migrants across its southern frontier and address any concerns over illegal migration.
  • Mexico has seen significant immigration and emigration flows over time. Mexico has historically served as a transit country and destination for Central Americans seeking work or asylum or to improve economic prospects.

United States Immigration Policy:

  • The United States's complex and evolving immigration system comprises laws, regulations, and procedures which regulate entry, stay, and naturalization for foreign nationals. Each administration has implemented its own priorities and policies when governing this area of policymaking.
  • As the United States shares a border with Mexico, border security is a top priority of American immigration policy. In order to prevent illegal crossings at that crossing point, measures such as physical barriers and surveillance technology have been put in place to combat illegal crossing attempts.
  • Migration to the US. The United States is a popular immigrant destination from all around the world. There are various visa categories that enable legal entry to this country - family visas and employment visas are some examples.

Mexico and the United States both face immigration and border challenges, such as illegal migration, border security issues, and asylum seekers. Collaboration and cooperation between Mexico and the U.S. are needed in order to address such challenges effectively; such issues include illegal migration, border security concerns, and asylum seekers - issues that are addressed through discussions on immigration reform as well as bilateral agreements or initiatives aimed at improving border security or streamlining legal immigration processes.


Mexico and the United States differ significantly in many areas, including geography, culture and politics, economics, education healthcare, and social welfare policies, immigration policy as well as border controls. Although these two nations share borders and histories that run parallel, each possesses distinctive identities which form their approaches to governance and social issues.

Understanding these differences will promote cooperation, dialogue, and mutual understanding between Mexico, the US, and other nations. Recognizing and appreciating each country's perspectives and strengths can result in more productive relationships, bilateral deals, and joint efforts to address common issues like immigration and trade. By understanding and acknowledging our respective cultures' similarities and distinctions, we can build mutually beneficial and cooperative relationships between Mexico and the US.